Manual Therapy Body Session

The Maitland Concept belongs to the field of Manual Therapy, a special form of physiotherapy performed by our official IFOMT manual therapist. This type of therapy is principally concerned with the specific examination and treatment of pain and problems in the musculoskeletal system. As the term “manual therapy” suggests, it is a “hands-on” tailor made approach treating each problem separately and locally. Chronic conditions or hidden injuries from everyday life or sports are effectively treated, with obvious improvement even from the first session. Manual Therapy can be applied for back and disc complaints, neck and cervical spine problems, arthritis in the hip/ knee / spine, headaches and mandibular problems, nerve irritation, knee pain, elbow problems such as tennis elbow, complaints relating to the hand such as fracture or carpal tunnel syndrome and foot problems.
40€ ∙ 60min
Terms and Conditions
Our appointments are strictly private with each therapist booked for one guest at the time. Guests are encouraged to arrive 15 min before their appointment. Please allow us a 6 hour notice of cancellation. Thank you.